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A marketplace where air cargo logistics converge, iNOMAD

A world-new standard for the air cargo industry
We enable digital logistics innovation with the top-notch technology and know-how


In the worldwide paradigm shift to digitalization, iNOMAD officially launched in October 2021
with a goal of providing tailored solutions for customers by building the first air cargo logistics platform in Korea
developed with in-house air cargo experts and IT technology.

We aim to create a digital air cargo platform in cooperation with airlines and partner companies
by applying our technological expertise in APIs, cloud systems, and RPA to enhance the existing air cargo operations and solve the limitations
and problems in logistics services providing a more convenient service experience.

By creating a real-time marketplace for suppliers and customers through the best logistics system,
we generate sales opportunities for competitive products. By providing transparent and accurate
air cargo information in real-time, we pursue the best customer satisfaction.


Enabling the best competitiveness and optimal customer satisfaction in digital air cargo industry

iNOMAD core function is to allow any service provider to load their products onto iNOMAD
so that it will be a marketplace for both providers and users with competitive products.
To ensure service reliability, iNOMAD will utilize its cloud-based system, IT technology
and all hardware infrastructure including the Incheon Airport logistics center.

iNOMAD's solution provides customers with real-time updated information through advanced automation

  • API
    Processing and managing the main
    tasks using a professional programming
    company’s algorithm and data through API
    (Application Programming Interface)
  • RPA
    Automating simple/repetitive tasks
    applying the RPA (Robotic Process
    Automation) concept
  • SMART process
    Automatic handling of airport logistics tasks
    using QR/Barcode and Scanner
    HCS (Handling Check System)/
    AHCR (Airport Handling Check System)
    : checking system to prevent
    errors in handling freight
  • Rate
    Providing the real-time rates
    of airlines and co-loaders
  • Schedule
    Providing all airline schedules
    via API in real-time
  • Capacity
    Providing flights that are available
    to book in real-time
  • Tracking
    Providing real-time status of cargo handling
    in an airport terminal and the cargo tracking
    of all airlines through API

Organizational Chart

To derive the highest customer satisfaction, iNOMAD is committed to utilizing the in-house expertise
in IT technology development and marketing and is growing together with the air cargo experts


  • 02 Registered as a freight forwarder
  • 03 Started online reservation business
  • 04 Established iNOMAD Hong Kong subsidiary office
  • 06 Signed MOU with Cello Square-Samsung SDS
  • 05 Opened Mapo office
  • 07 Established iNOMAD Co., Ltd. / Inaugurated of CEO Junseok Yim
  • 10
    • Released the system of iNOMAD digital air cargo platform
    • Registered as an international forwarding business